We usually offer several opportunities for master thesis projects. You should be interested in one or several of the following topics:
- Astroparticle physics, dark matter
- Computational few- and many-body physics
- Quantum field theory and effective field theory
- Theoretical nuclear physics and realistic nuclear interactions
- Theoretical particle physics, the standard model and beyond
Please feel free to discuss topics with any of us.
See also past master projects from our group!
Methods we use
For optimal learning output you should enter the project with a genuine interest in theoretical physics and a confidence in the mathematical toolbox that you have acquired. Indeed, a master thesis project in our group is a great opportunity to expand your knowledge in one or several of the following theoretical methods:
- Quantum and Effective field theory methods
- Scattering theory
- Quantum many-body methods
- General Relativity
- Boltzmann transport theory in Cosmology
Many of our projects have a computational aspect; and consequently those projects offer an excellent opportunity to advance your skills in the computational scientific methodology. In fact, we also offer projects that are aimed at students that are more computationally inclined and who has an interest in one or several of the following computational methods:
- Machine learning (deep learning, gaussian processes, etc.)
- Bayesian statistics
- Markov chain monte carlo
- Parallel computing
Published student projects
We are always aiming to construct projects that are directly related to ongoing research efforts. In fact, we take great pride in the fact that many projects have led all the way to a scientific publication. See examples below (master student authors in bold face):
Bayesian Analysis of χEFT at Leading Order in a Modified Weinberg Power Counting Approach
by O. Thim, E. May, A. Ekström and C. Forssén
Preprint: arXiv:2302.12624 [nucl-th]
Publication: Phys. Rev. C 108, 054002 (2023)
Probing P- and CP-violation in dark matter interactions
by R. Catena, J. Hagel and C. E. Yaguna
Preprint: arXiv:2007.01262 [hep-ph]
Publication: JCAP 05 (2021) 016
Rejecting the Majorana nature of dark matter with electron scattering experiments
by R. Catena, T. Emken and J. Ravanis
Preprint: arXiv:2003.04039 [hep-ph]
Publication: JCAP 06 (2020) 056
Assessing the sensitivity of PINGU to effective dark matter-nucleon interactions
by A. Bäckström, R. Catena and C. P. de los Heros
Preprint: arXiv:1812.08270 [hep-ph]
Publication: JCAP05(2019)023
Direct detection of fermionic and vector dark matter with polarised targets
by R. Catena, K. Fridell and V. Zema
Preprint: arXiv:1810.01515 [hep-ph]
Publication: JCAP11(2018)018
New constraints on inelastic dark matter from IceCube
by R. Catena, F. Hellström
Preprint: arXiv:1808.08082 [hep-ph]
Publication: JCAP10(2018)039
Dark matter spin determination with directional direct detection experiments
by R. Catena, J. Conrad, C. Döring, A. Davide Ferella, and M. B. Krauss
Preprint: arXiv:1706.09471 [astro-ph]
Publication: Phys. Rev. D 97, 023007 (2018)
WIMP capture by the Sun in the effective theory of dark matter self-interactions
by R. Catena and A. Widmark
Preprint: arXiv:1609.04825 [astro-ph]
Publication: JCAP 1612 (2016) no.12, 016.
Tunneling Theory for Tunable Open Quantum Systems of Ultracold Atoms in One-Dimensional Traps
by R. Lundmark, C. Forssén, J. Rotureau
Preprint: arXiv:1412.7175 [cond-mat]
Publication: Phys. Rev. A 91, (2015), 041601 (Rapid communication).
Fermionization of two-component few-fermion systems in a one-dimensional harmonic trap
by E. J. Lindgren, J. Rotureau, C. Forssén, A. G. Volosniev, N. T. Zinner
Preprint: arXiv:1304.2992 [cond-mat]
Publication: New J. Phys. 16 (2014) 063003
Microscopic description of translationally-invariant core+N+N overlap functions
by D. Sääf, C. Forssén
Preprint: arXiv:1309.5810 [nucl-th]
Publication: Phys. Rev. C 89, 011303 (2014)